A downloadable game


Mouse Movement : Camera Control
WASD : Walk / Strafe
SPACE : Jump

F : Pick up / Put down Object (Film Reel, Box, Keycard)

Mouse Click :
(While Holding Gun) : Teleport
(While Holding Object) : Throw


The Last Time I Saw London challenges the player to figure out how to bring a film reel to a cinema at the top of a derelict mall. The game features a multiple locales including a tube station, opening promenade and finally a fully detailed mall interior with multiple stores and amenities. The player can use a teleport gun to explore the area but cannot teleport while holding any objects. Thus they must use the teleport gun to scout ahead and find paths that can allow the player to navigate the film reel first into, and then up through, the mall. There are multiple ways of completing every objective, so players should feel free to explore and try out different solutions.

A central goal of the game was to encourage exploration. We wanted players to feel excited to explore the mall on its own, separate from their goals. Thus rather than be focused on the film reel only to be frustrated when needing to find a solution, the player finds joy in exploring, and in that process discovers ways to complete their primary objective . The Mall itself was in part based on the Westfield mall in London, as well as the game's conceit being a partial response to COVID-19. It has been quite a while for us all since when going to a indoor mall to see a movie was even an option, let alone in the places where we have felt unable to travel since the pandemic began. This radical interpretation of what that moment of return will be like gives the player space to re-interpret their own relationship to these public spaces and acts.


Finn Carney
Andew DiVittorio
Santiago Fernandez


LastTimeLondon_PC.zip 198 MB

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